Clear Button does not work



hello All
programming is not my cup of tea, but someone has do it
I have a submit job form, with has 4 command buttons,
1) submit job
2) clear job ( which clear all the text on form while its open)
3) print job
4) return main SB (also having a problem Yes or NO option when he/she
clicks return to main SB

here is the code for clear command

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub
here is what my subjob form looks like, part of it

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cboCntct_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactInf As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactInf = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " Where ContactName = '" &
Me!cboCntct.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactInf, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!TbxPhone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!email
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormExit_Click()

DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Switchboard"

End Sub

Private Sub Print_Button_Click()
If DLookup("ProjectNumber", "XtecProjects", "ProjectNumber=" & Me!ProjNum) =
Me!ProjNum Then
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection
MsgBox "You Must Submit job First, Before Printing"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub ProjNum_GotFocus()
Dim X As Integer
X = DMax("ProjectNumber", "nameProjects")
Me!ProjNum = X + 1
Me!TbxDateIn = format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Sub

Private Sub SubJob_Click()

Dim QrySQL As String
QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [nameProjects] (ProjectNumber,
SpecialInstructions, ProjectDescription, Consultant, DateIn, FinalDue,
PrimaryFormat, ContactName, Presenter, Company, Floor, Street, CityStateZip,
ExpenseCode, ProjectCode, DepartmentCode, Telephone, email, Fax) SELECT
Forms!JobEFrm!ProjNum AS ProjectNumber, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxNotes AS
SpecialInstructions, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDescr AS ProjectDescription,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboConsultant AS Consultant, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDateIn AS DateIn,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFnlDue AS FinalDue, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPF AS PrimaryFormat,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboCntct AS ContactName, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPres AS Presenter,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxComp AS Company, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFloor AS Floor,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxStreet AS Street, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxCityStateZip AS
CityStateZip, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxExpCo AS ExpenseCode, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxProCode
AS ProjectCode, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDeptCo AS DepartmentCode,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPhone AS Telephone, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxEmail AS email,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFax AS Fax"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Job was Submitted"

End Sub

Allen Browne

Instead of setting all controls to a zero-length string, undo the form:
Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
End If
End Sub

Simarly, there is no need to write the record manually by editing the
recordset (which won't work anyway, as you have no .Edit and .Update). Just
bind the form to the table, and Access will write it for you.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

accclt718 said:
hello All
programming is not my cup of tea, but someone has do it
I have a submit job form, with has 4 command buttons,
1) submit job
2) clear job ( which clear all the text on form while its open)
3) print job
4) return main SB (also having a problem Yes or NO option when he/she
clicks return to main SB

here is the code for clear command

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub
here is what my subjob form looks like, part of it

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cboCntct_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactInf As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactInf = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " Where ContactName = '" &
Me!cboCntct.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactInf, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!TbxPhone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!email
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormExit_Click()

DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Switchboard"

End Sub

Private Sub Print_Button_Click()
If DLookup("ProjectNumber", "XtecProjects", "ProjectNumber=" & Me!ProjNum)
Me!ProjNum Then
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection
MsgBox "You Must Submit job First, Before Printing"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub ProjNum_GotFocus()
Dim X As Integer
X = DMax("ProjectNumber", "nameProjects")
Me!ProjNum = X + 1
Me!TbxDateIn = format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Sub

Private Sub SubJob_Click()

Dim QrySQL As String
QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [nameProjects] (ProjectNumber,
SpecialInstructions, ProjectDescription, Consultant, DateIn, FinalDue,
PrimaryFormat, ContactName, Presenter, Company, Floor, Street,
ExpenseCode, ProjectCode, DepartmentCode, Telephone, email, Fax) SELECT
Forms!JobEFrm!ProjNum AS ProjectNumber, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxNotes AS
SpecialInstructions, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDescr AS ProjectDescription,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboConsultant AS Consultant, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDateIn AS
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFnlDue AS FinalDue, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPF AS PrimaryFormat,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboCntct AS ContactName, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPres AS Presenter,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxComp AS Company, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFloor AS Floor,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxStreet AS Street, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxCityStateZip AS
CityStateZip, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxExpCo AS ExpenseCode,
AS ProjectCode, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDeptCo AS DepartmentCode,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPhone AS Telephone, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxEmail AS email,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFax AS Fax"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Job was Submitted"

End Sub


here is update code i think not sure, the database was done by another IT
person who left the comapny

Private Sub cboCntct_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactInf As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactInf = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " Where ContactName = '" &
Me!cboCntct.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactInf, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!TbxPhone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!email
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

thank you

accclt718 said:
Allen Browne

i tried your code, when click on it nothing happens ?
unless i'm something wrong
any suggestions on YEs or NO statement "return to main Switchboard" command

Allen Browne said:
Instead of setting all controls to a zero-length string, undo the form:
Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
End If
End Sub

Simarly, there is no need to write the record manually by editing the
recordset (which won't work anyway, as you have no .Edit and .Update). Just
bind the form to the table, and Access will write it for you.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

accclt718 said:
hello All
programming is not my cup of tea, but someone has do it
I have a submit job form, with has 4 command buttons,
1) submit job
2) clear job ( which clear all the text on form while its open)
3) print job
4) return main SB (also having a problem Yes or NO option when he/she
clicks return to main SB

here is the code for clear command

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub
here is what my subjob form looks like, part of it

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cboCntct_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactInf As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactInf = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " Where ContactName = '" &
Me!cboCntct.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactInf, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!TbxPhone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!email
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormExit_Click()

DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Switchboard"

End Sub

Private Sub Print_Button_Click()
If DLookup("ProjectNumber", "XtecProjects", "ProjectNumber=" & Me!ProjNum)
Me!ProjNum Then
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection
MsgBox "You Must Submit job First, Before Printing"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub ProjNum_GotFocus()
Dim X As Integer
X = DMax("ProjectNumber", "nameProjects")
Me!ProjNum = X + 1
Me!TbxDateIn = format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Sub

Private Sub SubJob_Click()

Dim QrySQL As String
QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [nameProjects] (ProjectNumber,
SpecialInstructions, ProjectDescription, Consultant, DateIn, FinalDue,
PrimaryFormat, ContactName, Presenter, Company, Floor, Street,
ExpenseCode, ProjectCode, DepartmentCode, Telephone, email, Fax) SELECT
Forms!JobEFrm!ProjNum AS ProjectNumber, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxNotes AS
SpecialInstructions, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDescr AS ProjectDescription,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboConsultant AS Consultant, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDateIn AS
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFnlDue AS FinalDue, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPF AS PrimaryFormat,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboCntct AS ContactName, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPres AS Presenter,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxComp AS Company, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFloor AS Floor,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxStreet AS Street, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxCityStateZip AS
CityStateZip, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxExpCo AS ExpenseCode,
AS ProjectCode, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDeptCo AS DepartmentCode,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPhone AS Telephone, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxEmail AS email,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFax AS Fax"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Job was Submitted"

End Sub


Allen Browne

i tried your code, when click on it nothing happens ?
unless i'm something wrong
any suggestions on YEs or NO statement "return to main Switchboard" command

Allen Browne said:
Instead of setting all controls to a zero-length string, undo the form:
Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
End If
End Sub

Simarly, there is no need to write the record manually by editing the
recordset (which won't work anyway, as you have no .Edit and .Update). Just
bind the form to the table, and Access will write it for you.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

accclt718 said:
hello All
programming is not my cup of tea, but someone has do it
I have a submit job form, with has 4 command buttons,
1) submit job
2) clear job ( which clear all the text on form while its open)
3) print job
4) return main SB (also having a problem Yes or NO option when he/she
clicks return to main SB

here is the code for clear command

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub
here is what my subjob form looks like, part of it

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cboCntct_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactInf As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactInf = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " Where ContactName = '" &
Me!cboCntct.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactInf, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!TbxPhone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!email
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormExit_Click()

DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Switchboard"

End Sub

Private Sub Print_Button_Click()
If DLookup("ProjectNumber", "XtecProjects", "ProjectNumber=" & Me!ProjNum)
Me!ProjNum Then
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection
MsgBox "You Must Submit job First, Before Printing"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub ProjNum_GotFocus()
Dim X As Integer
X = DMax("ProjectNumber", "nameProjects")
Me!ProjNum = X + 1
Me!TbxDateIn = format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Sub

Private Sub SubJob_Click()

Dim QrySQL As String
QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [nameProjects] (ProjectNumber,
SpecialInstructions, ProjectDescription, Consultant, DateIn, FinalDue,
PrimaryFormat, ContactName, Presenter, Company, Floor, Street,
ExpenseCode, ProjectCode, DepartmentCode, Telephone, email, Fax) SELECT
Forms!JobEFrm!ProjNum AS ProjectNumber, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxNotes AS
SpecialInstructions, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDescr AS ProjectDescription,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboConsultant AS Consultant, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDateIn AS
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFnlDue AS FinalDue, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPF AS PrimaryFormat,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboCntct AS ContactName, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPres AS Presenter,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxComp AS Company, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFloor AS Floor,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxStreet AS Street, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxCityStateZip AS
CityStateZip, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxExpCo AS ExpenseCode,
AS ProjectCode, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDeptCo AS DepartmentCode,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPhone AS Telephone, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxEmail AS email,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFax AS Fax"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Job was Submitted"

End Sub

Allen Browne

As explained last reply that code you posted will do nothing at all because
there is no Edit/Addnew and Update

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

accclt718 said:
here is update code i think not sure, the database was done by another IT
person who left the comapny

Private Sub cboCntct_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactInf As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactInf = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " Where ContactName = '" &
Me!cboCntct.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactInf, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!TbxPhone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!email
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

thank you

accclt718 said:
Allen Browne

i tried your code, when click on it nothing happens ?
unless i'm something wrong
any suggestions on YEs or NO statement "return to main Switchboard"

Allen Browne said:
Instead of setting all controls to a zero-length string, undo the form:
Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
End If
End Sub

Simarly, there is no need to write the record manually by editing the
recordset (which won't work anyway, as you have no .Edit and .Update).
bind the form to the table, and Access will write it for you.

hello All
programming is not my cup of tea, but someone has do it
I have a submit job form, with has 4 command buttons,
1) submit job
2) clear job ( which clear all the text on form while its open)
3) print job
4) return main SB (also having a problem Yes or NO option when
clicks return to main SB

here is the code for clear command

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub
here is what my subjob form looks like, part of it

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cboCntct_AfterUpdate()

Dim ContactInf As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
ContactInf = "SELECT * FROM Contacts " & " Where ContactName = '"
Me!cboCntct.Value & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ContactInf, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Call MsgBox("The Contact Name you entered does not exist")
Me!TbxPhone = rst!Telephone
Me!TbxFax = rst!Fax
Me!TbxComp = rst!Company
Me!TbxFloor = rst!Floor
Me!TbxStreet = rst!Street
Me!TbxCityStateZip = rst!CityStateZip
Me!TbxEmail = rst!email
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClearJob_Click()
Dim clt As Control
If Me.Control Then
For Each clt In Me
If clt.ControlType = acTextBox Then
clt = ""
End If
Next clt

End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormExit_Click()

DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Switchboard"

End Sub

Private Sub Print_Button_Click()
If DLookup("ProjectNumber", "XtecProjects", "ProjectNumber=" &
Me!ProjNum Then
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection
MsgBox "You Must Submit job First, Before Printing"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub ProjNum_GotFocus()
Dim X As Integer
X = DMax("ProjectNumber", "nameProjects")
Me!ProjNum = X + 1
Me!TbxDateIn = format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Sub

Private Sub SubJob_Click()

Dim QrySQL As String
QrySQL = "INSERT INTO [nameProjects] (ProjectNumber,
SpecialInstructions, ProjectDescription, Consultant, DateIn,
PrimaryFormat, ContactName, Presenter, Company, Floor, Street,
ExpenseCode, ProjectCode, DepartmentCode, Telephone, email, Fax)
Forms!JobEFrm!ProjNum AS ProjectNumber, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxNotes AS
SpecialInstructions, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDescr AS ProjectDescription,
Forms!JobEFrm!cboConsultant AS Consultant, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDateIn AS
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFnlDue AS FinalDue, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPF AS
Forms!JobEFrm!cboCntct AS ContactName, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPres AS
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxComp AS Company, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFloor AS Floor,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxStreet AS Street, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxCityStateZip AS
CityStateZip, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxExpCo AS ExpenseCode,
AS ProjectCode, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxDeptCo AS DepartmentCode,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxPhone AS Telephone, Forms!JobEFrm!TbxEmail AS email,
Forms!JobEFrm!TbxFax AS Fax"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Job was Submitted"

End Sub

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