" //Clean Up managed resources " f&*ck


Christof Nordiek

Besides, that I couldn't find anthing about paired calls by the link it
looks allright.

You should make the Dispose(bool) virtual, so that inheriting classes can
extend this method.
When you inherit from a class, wich implements the disposing in this way,
you only should override Disposing(bool).


Jesse Houwing

Is that right?
You've got it now :). As others have said, either mark your class
sealed, or make Dispose(bool) a virtual function.

Ohh and don't forget to test if


if null or not, before calling Dispose on it. You might be in for a
nasty surprise otherwise.


* Koliber (js) wrote, On 22-5-2007 12:39:

Ben Voigt

Public class MyClass:IDisposable
private bool IsDisposed=false;
public void Dispose()

protected void Dispose(bool Diposing)
//Clean Up managed resources


//Clean up unmanaged resources

some pinvoke resource releases
for example 'paired' api calls
like this from this page




Is that right?

Yes, that is it.

The difference lies not in whether there is an unmanaged resource. Of
course there is an unmanaged resource. SqlConnection, File, Socket, all of
these have unmanaged resources. The point is to get them cleaned up at the
right time without messing up the garbage collector.

If somebody called Dispose on your object, then it is still reachable.
Therefore you should ask all the resources to dispose as well.

If the finalizer is called on your object, then it is not reachable. If you
have private resources, then they are also not reachable. If they are .NET
classes, then they have their own finalizers which will be run automatically
at about the same time as yours, you do not need to call them. In fact it
would be an error to do so because:

(1) their finalizers might already have run
(2) if you access the object, you will prevent it from being freed during
this garbage collection cycle (resurrection)
(3) if you are subscribed to any events of the object, and resurrect it,
then it will resurrect your object as well

The key thing is, your client only tells you to dispose, so you have to pass
the message along. The garbage collector will tell each managed class to
finalize, so you don't tell other .NET classes when you are being finalized.
But the garbage collector doesn't know about anything except managed
classes, so if you called p/invoke, you need to clean that up yourself.


Koliber (js)

Yes, that is it.

The difference lies not in whether there is an unmanaged resource. Of
course there is an unmanaged resource. SqlConnection, File, Socket, all of
these have unmanaged resources. The point is to get them cleaned up at the
right time without messing up the garbage collector.

If somebody called Dispose on your object, then it is still reachable.
Therefore you should ask all the resources to dispose as well.

If the finalizer is called on your object, then it is not reachable. If you
have private resources, then they are also not reachable. If they are .NET
classes, then they have their own finalizers which will be run automatically
at about the same time as yours, you do not need to call them. In fact it
would be an error to do so because:

(1) their finalizers might already have run
(2) if you access the object, you will prevent it from being freed during
this garbage collection cycle (resurrection)
(3) if you are subscribed to any events of the object, and resurrect it,
then it will resurrect your object as well

The key thing is, your client only tells you to dispose, so you have to pass
the message along. The garbage collector will tell each managed class to
finalize, so you don't tell other .NET classes when you are being finalized.
But the garbage collector doesn't know about anything except managed
classes, so if you called p/invoke, you need to clean that up yourself.


Ok, I understand this I think, but I have maybe a little hesittion to
this :>

If my object finalizes oneself and thus my dispose not calls my
disposes - who calls them? It is only hesitation because I suppose
that if any objest in this chain has a finaliser who do clean up
for self - not for its members - it also shoud be ok. Is that right?

The other thing I do not understand and I want to ask maybe is:
what is a mechanism of this famous theme: "if you do a finaliser
in your class there memory clean up will work slower because
gc must then block something and waits for something" Can
someone explain it to me maybe?

thanx in advance

Ben Voigt

Koliber (js) said:
Ok, I understand this I think, but I have maybe a little hesittion to
this :>

If my object finalizes oneself and thus my dispose not calls my
disposes - who calls them? It is only hesitation because I suppose
that if any objest in this chain has a finaliser who do clean up
for self - not for its members - it also shoud be ok. Is that right?

The other thing I do not understand and I want to ask maybe is:
what is a mechanism of this famous theme: "if you do a finaliser
in your class there memory clean up will work slower because
gc must then block something and waits for something" Can
someone explain it to me maybe?

I haven't tried to measure, but I don't think having a finalizer would
really be that much of a problem. The GC already has to block all other
threads while it determines reachability from all the different roots.

The problem is that, if your finalizer does anything at all, it will need
access to its member variables. Then a tracking handle to your object needs
to be placed on the stack and now your object is reachable again. So the GC
can't free your memory. After all, your finalizer could do

Christof Nordiek

Koliber (js) said:
The other thing I do not understand and I want to ask maybe is:
what is a mechanism of this famous theme: "if you do a finaliser
in your class there memory clean up will work slower because
gc must then block something and waits for something" Can
someone explain it to me maybe?
This only matters, if Dispose doesn't get called on the instance, or if
Dispose doesn't call GC.SupressFinalize.
So it only matters, if the Finalizer really should run, and then I think
it's worth that. (A small consumption of time for freeing maybe a great
bunch of memory, wich otherwise would be lost, till the end of the

PS: If you ever will build a class (with finalizer), wich after being
disposed can be reused by calling Open or similar. Don't forget to call
GC.ReRegisterForFinalize while reopening.


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