Circular reference



have a db of zipcode data, i have macro that once a zipcode is entered, it
uses lookups to return all zipcides within 25 mil radius then orders them in
distance from the reference zip code. One think it does is place and "X" in
column BP9...

One of the fields returned is population.

i have used the Sumif( that sums if "X" in BN9...) then I want to take that
total and call it ttldogpop, then divide each of the individual dogpops with
an "x" for a %.

i am getting circ reference...any ideas? thanks


this is a dynamic worksheet, in that, you enter a zipcode, and the ws
calculates the distances from the entered zipcode, and a macro then sorts the
results in ascending order, that then idnetifies with an "X" all the zipcodes
within a specified radius.

here are the formulae and variables
AE9...n calc the distance between two points (latitiude & longitude [great
circle method])- returns number
AK9...n IF distance in AE9... is <= to specified range, in this case 25
miles, an "X" is placed in the column otherwise " "
BN9...n calculates the dog population based upon zipcode households
DOGPOP=sumif(AK9:AK994, "=X", BN9:BN994)

what I want to calculate is BN9...n/DOGPOP, IF AK9...n ="X"

the DOGPOP seems to calculate correctly as CNTL ALT ENTER, but what I want
yields Circ Ref

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