Circle a word in access report



Is there a way to circle a word in access that meets a certain condition?
For example if the condition is "Missing Report" then the words would be
circled for impact.




Draw a box around the words. Set visible = false

When the condition arises, write some code to make it visible, in onload
event or whatever best suits.

Example: If (report is missing) Then

Me.Box_around_words.visible = True

End if

Duane Hookom

You can draw a circle/ellipse on a report, using the Circle method of the
report. For instance, the following code in the On Format event of the report
will draw an ellipse around the control named 'ARTNUMFrm' if it begins with

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim ctlToCircle As Control

Dim intWidth As Integer
Dim intHeight As Integer
Dim intCenterX As Integer
Dim intCenterY As Integer
Dim intRadius As Integer
Dim dblAspect As Double

Set ctlToCircle = Me.ARTNUMFrm

If Left(ctlToCircle, 2) = "04" Then
intCenterX = ctlToCircle.Left + ctlToCircle.Width / 2
intCenterY = ctlToCircle.Top + ctlToCircle.Height / 2
intRadius = ctlToCircle.Width / 2 + 100
dblAspect = ctlToCircle.Height / ctlToCircle.Width
Me.Circle (intCenterX, intCenterY), intRadius, , , , dblAspect
End If
End Sub

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