Chopping the last 4 characters of a string in VBA



Hi, is there is a way to chop off the last 4 characters of a string?

I have a group of text file names and I want to delete the ".txt" part
at the end of the names.



silkworm said:
Hi, is there is a way to chop off the last 4 characters of a string?

I have a group of text file names and I want to delete the ".txt" part
at the end of the names.


If cell A1 contains a text value you want to parse, use this

=Left(A1, Len(A1) - 4)



Ron Rosenfeld

Hi, is there is a way to chop off the last 4 characters of a string?

I have a group of text file names and I want to delete the ".txt" part
at the end of the names.


Since you're in the programming group, here is a VBA example:

Sub foo()
Const str As String = "foobar.txt"
Debug.Print Replace(str, ".txt", "")
End Sub

The above is case sensitive. If you want to do a case insensitive replacement,

Option Compare Text
Sub foo()
Const str As String = "foobar.TXT"
Debug.Print Replace(str, ".txt", "")
End Sub

If you are doing this on a worksheet:



The SUBSTITUTE function is case sensitive. The other is not.


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