Checking if as split deposit is more than the total?



Hello all,

Been trying like crazy to get a formula to work. I have an invoice I
created. For this particular business, a 50% deposit is required. Two
fields below will show each half of the total. No problem, I thought -

If the total is an odd amount, each cell shows the same amount no
matter what I tried. I think it is something to do with the rounding
or formatting, but can't seem to get that to work for some reason. Am
I an idiot? I can answer that for you. Yes.

So, what I am trying to do is, if the total amount is odd, I'd like
the DEPOSIT cell to be the extra penny and the BALANCE cell to be the
lower amount.

I have most of my hair left after pulling it out trying to figure this
out. Can anyone help before I need to buy some Rogaine?

Thanks to all in advance.



If your amount is in A1 then for deposit cell (let's assume A2) use


then for balance cell


format all cells fro currency

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