Checking for Errors



I am sorry to admit that I have done very little with error checking in my
macros, so I need some help in structuring here.

Our network drives need cleaning up really badly, and I have created a macro
that reads through the directory and creates a worksheet of all folders,
subfolders, subsubfolders, etc. I use nested For Each...Next loops to pull
out the data.

I have access to most everything on the network, but a couple of the big
dogs have their folders secured, and when I hit one of those, I get an access
denied error when I attempt to go into the folder to pull file and subfolder
names. The error occurs on the 'For Each' statement. In front of the 'For
Each' statement I put an 'On Error Resume Next' statement, but the statement
for 'resuming next' is the 'Next' for the 'For Each', and when it tries to
resume there, it says 'For loop not initialized', which of course is logical
since it never got into the loop.

Could I get some quick idea on how to branch somewhere, check the error
number, reset the error checking, and return to the statement after the
'Next' statement on that error? I would certainly appreciate it.


Set Fldr0 = Folder0.subfolders
For Each f0 In Fldr0
sFolder0 = BaseFldr & "\" & f0.Name
If Right(sFolder0, 5) <> "xxxxx" Then
Set Folder0 = FSO.GetFolder(sFolder0)
If sFolder0 <> "" Then
--> SelectFilesList7 FolderName, sFolder0
End If
Set Fldr1 = Folder0.subfolders
On Error Resume Next
--> For Each f1 In Fldr1
sFolder1 = Folder0 & "\" & f1.Name
Set Folder1 = FSO.GetFolder(sFolder1)
If sFolder1 <> "" Then
SelectFilesList7 FolderName, sFolder1
End If
Set Fldr2 = Folder1.subfolders
On Error GoTo 0
End If
On Error GoTo 0

The '...' is where the code is repeated down to six levels of folders. The
'-->' lines are where the error message pops up (SelectFilesList7 checks for
files in the folder, then the rest processes subfolders in the folder).

As you can see, I'm checking manually for the one folder I know will be
locked, but I'd like to have it work automatically. I suppose I could check
to see if the folder is locked (not sure how to do that), but I need the
error checking experience.

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