Checking dates



I have a table with fields: number, start and end. Number field contains
random number (1-100). Start and end fields contains dates. In additional I
have form from where user can check those days from the table. Let me but an
example "picture"

This is the table
3 | 17.6.2005 | 18.6.2005 |
67 | 11.6.2005 | 12.6.2005 |
15 | 12.6.2005 | 13.6.2005 |

For example user enters in form dates: start-> 13.6.2005 and end
->14.6.2005. Now fuction should check all records from table(start and end
fields) and return number field's value if start and end dates doesn't match.
This means that entered dates are smaller than table's start date or bigger
than end date. So from picture first record(3) is good because entered dates
are smaller. Second one (67) is good because entered dates are bigger. Third
case(15) end date is reserved so it is not good. So 3, 67 will be returned to
form's list. Probably this is very easy to do, but I don't know how to do it.
Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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