CheckDisk in XP Professional



I can not get my system to perform CheckDick.. I have tried in regular mode
and also in Safe Mode and get the following message "The disk check could not
be performed because the disk check utility needs exclusive access to some
Windows files on the disk. These files can be accessed only by restarting
Windows. Do youwant to schedule this disc check to occur the next time you
restart the computer? Yes No" Of course I restarted the computer and go
through th process until a get this message again.

Wesley Vogel

Cannot lock volume for direct access
Cannot open volume for direct access

Unable to run CHKDSK

A program called Hitman Pro can cause the problem.

Also a really old version of ZoneAlarm can cause the problem.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



John2559 said:
I can not get my system to perform CheckDick.. I have tried in regular
and also in Safe Mode and get the following message "The disk check could
be performed because the disk check utility needs exclusive access to some
Windows files on the disk. These files can be accessed only by restarting
Windows. Do youwant to schedule this disc check to occur the next time
restart the computer? Yes No" Of course I restarted the computer and go
through th process until a get this message again.

just say "yes"
chkdsk will run before the OS loads

Admiral Q

Yup! That's the correct action - Windows will always have exclusive use of
the boot drive, system drive and any other drive you have a pagefile on - so
chkdsk must be run either before windows boots or from the recovery console.

Wesley Vogel

Read the last sentence of the OP.
only by restarting Windows. Do youwant to schedule this disc check to
occur the next time you restart the computer? Yes No" Of course I
restarted the computer and go through th process until a get this message

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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