Checkbox1.LinkedCel = ActiveCell -- "Why wont it work?"


Time Traveller

Have little bit of code that dumps Activex Checkbox on page, sizes it to fit
in nicely to the ActiveCell. Works beautifully, except I want to make the
linked cel the active cel as well, and I really don't want to have to go
into design mode and do it manually for every checkbox I create. For some
reason this code does not work as I expect. I'm sure theres a fundamental
principle I am unaware of.

Checkbox1.LinkedCel = ActiveCell

Also another question: When dumping the checkboxes on the page, they are
incremented by Checkbox1, Checkbox2 etc. Seems to me there must be an
index somewhere that keeps track of these. How can I refer these checkboxes
by their ordinal number programmatically at runtime so that I can do
operations with the checkbox at that time, using the index or the ordinal
part of the string. I could write something to strip the ordinal part out of
the name, but that seems like a major kluge.

Dave Peterson

This worked ok for me:

Worksheets("sheet1").CheckBox1.LinkedCell = ActiveCell.Address(external:=True)

From a previous post that may help you:

If I knew how many checkboxes there were and they were named nicely, I'd do
something like:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim iCtr As Long
For iCtr = 1 To 4
Sheet1.OLEObjects("checkbox" & iCtr).Object.Value = False
Next iCtr
End Sub

If I wanted to get them all, but didn't know how many, I could get them this

Sub testme2()

Dim OLEobj As OLEObject

For Each OLEobj In Sheet1.OLEObjects
If TypeOf OLEobj.Object Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
OLEobj.Object.Value = False
End If
Next OLEobj

End Sub

If you knew the names of just the checkboxes you wanted to change:

Sub testme3()
Dim iCtr As Long
Dim myCBXNames As Variant
myCBXNames = Array("checkbox1", "checkbox2")
For iCtr = LBound(myCBXNames) To UBound(myCBXNames)
Sheet1.OLEObjects(myCBXNames(iCtr)).Object.Value = False
Next iCtr
End Sub

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