Check whether an user(account) is delegated to send mail on behalf



I need to programmatically check whether an user(account) is delegated to
"send mail on behalf of somebody" else. I'm referring to this feature in
outlook, in the outlook menu "Tools"-->"Options.."--> "Delegates" tab.

I can't able to figure out from VBA programming API. Could anybody pls help
to figure out this with VB/vbscript code?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

That's not available in the Outlook object model. You can read the folder
permissions using a lower level API such as CDO 1.21 or Redemption
( or Extended MAPI (C++ or Delphi only).

Here's an example of reading folder permissions using CDO 1.21 (optional
installation for Outlook and mostly deprecated now):

You can do similar things using those other API's. If you are using Outlook
2007 you could use similar code using Folder.PropertyAccessor to read the
ACL's. Of course then you'd need to interpret the data you get back.

Dmitry Streblechenko

Note that if a user has a permission to be a delegate, it does not
necessarily mean that the other user's mailbox will be added to
Tools"-->"Options.."--> "Delegates".
On the Extended MAPI level, you will need to work with the
propeties exposed by a particular user.
Redemption exposes these collections through the RDOAddressEntry.Delegates
and RDOAddressEntry.IsDelegateFor collections.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool


Dnitry, Thanks much for coming in to help. I got it right in Redemption..

Ken : Could you pls provide some references for this CDO API libraray, the
one similar to Outlook Object Model API reference provided my Microsoft/MSDN?

I tried this vbscript, but got an "permission denied" error on the line

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Do you have CDO installed?

It's an optional installation from the Office CD in versions prior to
Outlook 2007 and available as a separate download from MS for Outlook 2007.

You don't get any errors when you use CreateObject() or New on a

The best source for CDO information and code is at the cdolive Web site.
That site also has a link to the CDO HLP file, and links to various KB
articles on CDO. The Digging Deeper Into CDO topic has a link to download a
zip of the CDO HLP.

There isn't really anything new for CDO since MS doesn't recommend it any
longer for anything but special development cases, no new development on it
has been done other than versioning updates for at least 6 years and it's
not supported for use in managed code. So CDOLive is the place to go.

If CDO is installed and registered then a Logon shouldn't occur if you have
any Outlook profiles on that machine. The best logon to use in that case is:

Session.Logon "", "", False, False

That will use an existing Outlook profile.



I'm trying the following code to access the addressbook and the delegates
property. The code (with MAPI.Session) is running and I can able to select
entry from addressbook.I'm trying to access these properties


using Fields(prop) which returns nothing. Could u pls help me?

Code snippet:

Set objOutlook1 = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
outlookObj.Application.ActiveExplorer.WindowState = 1 'Minimize
Set olemSession = objOutlook1.CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
ReturnCode = olemSession.Logon( "", "", False, False, 0 )
Set myUser = olemSession.CurrentUser
objOutlook1.Application.ActiveExplorer.WindowState = 0
Set colCDORecips = olemSession.AddressBook(Nothing,"Select
Recipients Names", False, True, 1,"To")
if StrComp(ScError,"-2147219963",1) = 0 then
mVar=MsgBox("Outlook is not running.",vbCritical,"Error")
exit function
end if
for i2003 = 1 to count
set entry=colCDORecips.Item(i2003)
MsgBox("DisplayType " & entry.AddressEntry.DisplayType)
if entry.AddressEntry.Type = "EX" then
set delegEntries=entry.AddressEntry.Fields(&H8015000E)
MsgBox TypeName(delegEntries)
MsgBox delegEntries
set delegEntries=entry.AddressEntry.Fields(&H8110000E)
MsgBox TypeName(delegEntries)
MsgBox delegEntries
set delegEntries=entry.AddressEntry.Fields(&H8110101F)
MsgBox TypeName(delegEntries)
MsgBox delegEntries
end if


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