Check to see if excel file has been saved



How do you check if an excel file has been saved in VBA? That is, if I have
an excel file open, what property tells me if the file has been saved yet?

I am thinking of an instance where I open a new workbook and forget to save
it. I want to run a macro that tells me that although the file is open, it
has not been saved yet.


Mike Fogleman

From VBA Help for "Saved":

Saved Property Example

This example displays a message if the active workbook contains unsaved

If Not ActiveWorkbook.Saved Then
MsgBox "This workbook contains unsaved changes."
End IfThis example closes the workbook that contains the example code and
discards any changes to the workbook by setting the Saved property to True.

ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
ThisWorkbook.CloseMike F"ExcelMonkey"

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