Check, if a given time lies between two times regardless of date


Mathias Weyel

Hi there,

I have time-of-day spans presented as strings and want to check, if, at
a given time, I am within such a time span.

Example: Timespan-string is given as follows: "09:00 , 16:00"

A function should now return true if the current time of day is between
9:00 and 16:00 and false otherwise.

Any help is appreciated. The problem sounds trivial, yet I currently
fail to come up with a pleasant solution.



Chris Shepherd

Mathias said:
Hi there,

I have time-of-day spans presented as strings and want to check, if, at
a given time, I am within such a time span.

Example: Timespan-string is given as follows: "09:00 , 16:00"

A function should now return true if the current time of day is between
9:00 and 16:00 and false otherwise.

Any help is appreciated. The problem sounds trivial, yet I currently
fail to come up with a pleasant solution.

It is fairly trivial: just parse out the actual TimeSpans you want out of
timespan-string so that you have two strings: one containing "09:00" and another
containing "16:00". Create TimeSpans with them them (TimeSpan.Parse), and return
whether DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay is between them.


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