Check for newest *.txt file and import data



I want to be able to search a specifik folder for all .txt files, check the date to find the newest and import the data
How to import, I know, I just need to be able to "catch" the filename on newest file
How do I do that?

Rob van Gelder

Here's a way to get the latest file:

Sub test()
Const cPath = "C:\WINDOWS\"
Dim strFile As String, dtmFile As Date
Dim strLatestFile As String, dtmLatestFile As Date

strFile = Dir(cPath)

Do Until strFile = ""
dtmFile = FileDateTime(cPath & strFile)
If dtmFile > dtmLatestFile Then
strLatestFile = strFile
dtmLatestFile = dtmFile
End If
strFile = Dir

MsgBox strLatestFile
End Sub

Rob van Gelder -

ALK said:
I want to be able to search a specifik folder for all .txt files, check
the date to find the newest and import the data.

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