Check column contents for series



Hi all,
in cells B1:B1000 I have a simple VLOOKUP formula
that will give a result of either L,M or H depending on the value placed in
the corresponding range A1:A1000
is there any way to check the last 6 populted cells in the range B1000:B1
and if either of the letter L,M or H haven't been displayed have a Msg box
appear to state which one (either L,m or H)


in cells B23:B27 are the values:


so a msg box would now say :

"H - hasn't shown in 6"

any ideas??

many thanks


Here is one way I came up with that works. It has a bit of setup involved
but once done would do the trick.
In column c put this formula all the way down: (shown is c2's formula):

Then in F2 place this formula: Max(C:C)
Then In Cell F4 place this formula:
And in F5:
And in F6:
and in F7:
And in F8:
and in f9:
Then in F10:
in F11:
and in F12:

Now create named ranges as follows:
LShown is F10
MShown is F11
and HShown is F12

Then Press Alt-F11 to go to the VBA editor, go to the ThisWorkbook and enter
this sub:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)

Application.Goto Reference:="LShown"
If ActiveCell.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox ("L Has Not Shown in 6")
End If
Application.Goto Reference:="MShown"
If ActiveCell.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox ("M Has Not Shown in 6")
End If
Application.Goto Reference:="HShown"
If ActiveCell.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox ("H Has Not Shown in 6")
End If

End Sub

That should do it. It has a bit of overhead, particularly column c.

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