check box valuations




I am new to check boxes and have a quick question.

I would like to place a value of a cell that is next to a checkbox in
another cell with a formula such as IF(A1,A2,"") where A1 is my checkbox, A2
is the value that I would like to place in the cell where this formula
resides if the check box is checked, and if it is not checked to leave the
cell blank.

I can't seem to do this however. I have also used IF(A1=0,A2,"").

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks for your help!

Dave O

When you set up the check box, one of the parameters is the cell in
which the TRUE / FALSE value resides. Is the parameter set such that
A1 holds the T/F? It should be very obvious, saying TRUE or FALSE in
all caps when the box is checked or not.


Cell A1 is where I have the check box, I do not have any other cells
associated with the checkbox for any values.



I have assigned a cell to hold the true/false value as you suggested, and my
formula now works, thank you very much.

I do have anyother question now though, When I copy the row that the check
box is in down (this is a bank reconcilliation type of spreadsheet, the check
boxes will be used to identify those checks that have cleared or not), if I
select the top check box, all of the other boxes become selected as well.

Do you know what I am doing wrong? Should I not be copy the check box? If
not, how do I create several hundred of these check boxes?

Thanks again,

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