Check Box in the Datagrid



I need to add editable check box column to the data grid. I have field in the
SQL table with the type tinyint, which is translated to the unsigned bite in
the datatable.
I added DataGridBoolColumn to the table style with AllowNull = False,
TrueValue = 1 and FalseValue = 0. Everything looks fine but when I run the
form all checkboxes appear checked and not connected to underlying field. Any
Thanks Bronislav.


I'm using GUI to build the form.
It built the code:

Me.DtGrdTblStlVolcanos.DataGrid = Me.grdVolcanos
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle() {Me.DtGrdColVolcanoName,
Me.DtGrdColVolcanoLocation, Me.DtGrdColVolcanoLongitude,
Me.DtGrdColVolcanoLatitude, Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus})
Me.DtGrdTblStlVolcanos.HeaderFont = New
System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25!,
CType((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold Or System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline),
System.Drawing.FontStyle), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
Me.DtGrdTblStlVolcanos.HeaderForeColor =
Me.DtGrdTblStlVolcanos.MappingName = "WebMetVolcano"

Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.AllowNull = False
Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.FalseValue = 0
Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.HeaderText = "Active"
Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.MappingName = "WebMetVolcanoStatus"
Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.NullValue =
CType(resources.GetObject("DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.NullValue"), Object)
Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.TrueValue = 1
Me.DtGrdColWebMetVolcanoStatus.Width = 75

It looks OK for me but doesn't work. If I change the column style of the
column to standart text box it will show proper value from the data table.
Thanks Bronislav.

Cor Ligthert


The styles are for a windowform datagrid. I get the idea that you want to
use it for a webform datagrid. That are almost completly different controls,
with the exception that they should do the same.


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