Check and Increase count


Eric G

I just added a [CLCount] field to my Staff table.
When a staff's UserID and Password is entered into the Password form
and they click on the OK button, I would like two things to happen:

1. Check the CLCount field for that staff's UserID to see if it's <4,
and if so, do XYZ.
2. Increase the UserID's CLCount field by +1.

Would someone be able to tell me the VB code required to accomplish
the two above steps?

Thanks in advance! Eric

PC Datasheet

Put this code in the Click event of the button:

If IsNull(Me!CLCount) Or Me!ClCount < 4 Then
<<Do XYZ >>
End If
Me!CLCount = Me!CLCount +1

Eric G

Thanks for helping out.
It looked like your code would be too simple to work out for my
situation and I fear that it is.

Nothing is happening when I click the OK button now.

How does your code allow my db to realise that UserID "x" in Table
[Teachers] needs their CLCount number to be checked and then increased
by one?
I don't see how Me! tells the app to refer to a table that isn't open
at the time.

I was using the following code up until now:
'If DCount("[DateDet]", "Detentions", "[TeacherID]='" & [cboUserID] &
"'") < 4 Then
'DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCheckList"

and although it does work, it relies on an ever-growing table
[Detentions] to pull up a number to compare with 4.

Now I'd just like to compare 4 to the new CLCount number in the
Teachers table.

Thanks! Eric

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