charts with data from two worksheets



I have set up a stock chart with 3 series, high, low and close.

The data is from two worksheets. My existing series1 is =sheet1!$b$10:$x$10.
I would like to include the following data from sheet 2 to the same chart-
=sheet2!$b$10:$x$10. I have tried putting + or : between the two sets of data
above but it will not take it. Do you know what I am doing wrong? I have also
tried copying the row from sheet 2 and pasting to the series in sheet one but
it doesn't seem to work. Thanks for your assistance.

David Biddulph

Separate the data with a comma, not a + or a colon.
You may find it easier to copy the data, then go to the chart, and Edit/
Paste special, and follow the prompts for adding a new series, or new points
to the existing series.

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