Charts in Access


D. Williams

I Created a graph in Access and I want to edit the graph.
The problem is that in design view I am shown a default
sample graph (west, north,east, 1st qrt,ect.) The only way
I can see the graph I created is by doing a print preview.
My question is how do I get the graph (Graph was created
using the Chart wizard.)I created to show up in design

Thank you

Rick Brandt

D. Williams said:
I Created a graph in Access and I want to edit the graph.
The problem is that in design view I am shown a default
sample graph (west, north,east, 1st qrt,ect.) The only way
I can see the graph I created is by doing a print preview.
My question is how do I get the graph (Graph was created
using the Chart wizard.)I created to show up in design

Copy your chart to a form and while in design view of the form make sure
the chart object has Enabled = Yes and Locked = No. This will allow you to
double-click the chart to get to the chart designer while the form is in
normal view as opposed to design view. When you do this while in normal
view you will see the chart using your data rather than the sample data.

I always build all my charts in a form and then copy them to a report when
finished. Once they are copied to a report they will still not show live
data when you do design changes, but they will show the chart as it was
last modified in your form so it's at least "your" sample data.

Joan Wild

Rick Brandt said:
I always build all my charts in a form and then copy them to a report when
finished. Once they are copied to a report they will still not show live
data when you do design changes, but they will show the chart as it was
last modified in your form so it's at least "your" sample data.

You could embed the form as a subreport in the report, rather than copying
it to the report. That way any changes you need to do, can be done by
opening it as a form.

Rick Brandt

Joan Wild said:
You could embed the form as a subreport in the report, rather than copying
it to the report. That way any changes you need to do, can be done by
opening it as a form.

I seem to recall having a problem with an error message being displayed when I
tried to use a form inside of a report. Can't remember the specifics.

Joan Wild

Rick Brandt said:
I seem to recall having a problem with an error message being displayed when I
tried to use a form inside of a report. Can't remember the specifics.

It worked for me; but that was using 97. I have since abandoned charts in
Access and automate Excel instead.

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