charts, data in arrays, can same be done for ErrorBar figures?


Matthew Dodds

Hi folks,

I have some charting code in which the data for the chart is specified
as a formula (eg =SERIES("firstData",

Everything works well with the exception of the corresponding error
bar data; I can find no way of receovering this from the worksheet, so
the charts maintain this reference to a range.

Has anyone devised a solution to this? It would make writing code to
edit the data displayed by a chart much more straightforward.

Thanks in advance for your every suggestion


Peter T

Hi Matthew,

I'd also be interested to know how to read Custom +/- error bar values, in
particular the source range if not coded values.

If you already know the source or values and merely want to remove links to
cells follow this -

Record a macro to (re)apply your error bars and source data.

Look at the arguments "Amount" and/or "MinusValues". Instead of the recorded
address you can replace these with an array. If say your "Amount" refers to
A1:D1 (or R1C1 style) do this

vArr = application.transpose(range("A1:D1"))

Once you've got your array(s) adapt the macro to non-recorded style (in
effect qualify errorbars to the series) and replace the address(es) with
your array(s).

Keep in mind the absolute max 255 characters limit in the arrays incl commas
& brackets (same limit also applies to each section of the series formula).

Peter T

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