ChartFX for .NET


Dave Sauny

I'm creating graphs which have data between 300 and 400 on the x-axis
and also 900 and 1000 on the x-axis. When this gets plotted, the
graph rescales and the information becomes to small to be of any
significance. Other than zooming in, is there any ohter way of
altering the x-axis so that it displays

300 - 400 (small gap) 900 - 1000

Ive tried doidng this with panes however they only allow the reuse of
the previous xaxis and using multiple x-axes does not tie the data to
the data points.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated

Robert Dede


Not sure if ChartFX has any custom axis capabilities, if so, you could
normalize the data say between 0-10, and 10-20, then create a custom x scale
that reflects the true data value ranges from 300-400 and 900-1000.

Also, if ChartFX has an alternate chart type that deals with equally spaced
data (and your data is equally spaced within these ranges) you could use
this type of chart instead of one that spaces data with respect to an x

Sounds like you're stepping into an area of advanced charting. If so, you
may want to check out ProEssentials at

best regards,

Robert Dede
Gigasoft, Inc.


There is no way to get this axis break in our current version (6.2).
We are discussing how could we enable this scenario in our next
version. It is not clear if we'll do it in the ChartFX core or as an
"Axis" extension but we will try to support this.

In the meantime the only - ugly - workaround would be to "transpose"
the chart (pass X data as Y and viceversa). We do support panes in the
Y axis so you would have to fake multiple series where series(0) has
the 300-400 range and series(1) has the 900-1000 range. If you need
more help pursuing this approach, please post your questions in our
newsgroups (




ChartFX does offer custom axis capabilities, you can achieve this
chart by normalizing your data and then either using the Axis.Label
property to assign custom strings for your labels ("300" "350" "400"
"900" etc.) or processing the GetAxisLabel event and returning the
translated string. We also support a chart where the X axis is
"categorical" but the original post suggested that the data is not
equally spaced so I assumed X axis values are significant.

I started my post stating that we do not support this because I feel a
real solution for your scenario would be for the axis to really
support this gap in the scale and we will try to address this in our
next version.

Translating the data may work in your scenario but depending on how
dynamical your chart is, you will have to do extra work, e.g. if you
have an active chart you will also have to process the GetTip event to
customize the data shown in the tooltip. Also if you allow the user to
interact with the chart using our dialogs, the data editor, showing
point labels or copying the data to the clipboard, you will find that
this "faked" data will reappear.


Software FX, Inc.

Dave Sauny

thanks guys,

I'm gonna try and transpose my data and see what that does, if it
doesn't work, I'll just have to hope that the next release version
holds the keys to all my data problems!


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