chart with actuals and limits



How can I create a line chart that shows actuals and upper and lower limits?
For example, tracking a persons Triglyceride. The range is (low) 30 and
(High) 149 and actuals are 146, 122, 139, 125, 116, 99, 99, 112.

Jon Peltier

Simplest way, set up your data like this:

Low Actual High
30 146 149
30 122 149
30 139 149
30 125 149
30 116 149
30 99 149
30 99 149
30 112 149

select this range and create your chart. If you have specific X values or
category labels, insert a column before Low and put them there, don't put a
column header (the cell to left of 'Low' is blank), select all the data, and
create the chart.

- Jon

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