chart does not reflect parameter querry


Andre C

OI am not solving this problem easily.

I wish to generate a report based on a querry and various parameters
set in a form. The querry "basicreportquerry" returns allk the
records in the dataset. I use a form with various listboxes and
comboboxes to enter criteria for several of the fields. Then I use the
following VBA to generate the sql statement.

Dim varItem As Variant
' the six list boxes which correspond to the report filters.
Dim strCCN As String
Dim strdisease As String
Dim strtopleveldisease As String
Dim strconsultant As String
Dim strPCT As String
Dim strReport As String

Dim strcaseload As String 'this variable stors the result of the
active caseload option group.

Dim strFilter As String 'this stores the sql phrase made fromthe above

' for the CCN listbox
For Each varItem In Me.CCN.ItemsSelected
strCCN = strCCN & "," & Me.CCN.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strCCN) = 0 Then
strCCN = "Like '*'"
strCCN = Right(strCCN, Len(strCCN) - 1)
strCCN = "IN(" & strCCN & ")"
End If

' for the Consultant list box
For Each varItem In Me.Consultant.ItemsSelected
strconsultant = strconsultant & "," &
Me.Consultant.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strconsultant) = 0 Then
strconsultant = "Like '*'"
strconsultant = Right(strconsultant, Len(strconsultant) - 1)
strconsultant = "IN(" & strconsultant & ")"
End If

'for PCT list box
For Each varItem In Me.PCT.ItemsSelected
strPCT = strPCT & "," & Me.PCT.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strPCT) = 0 Then
strPCT = "Like '*'"
strPCT = Right(strPCT, Len(strPCT) - 1)
strPCT = "IN(" & strPCT & ")"
End If

'for disease box.

For Each varItem In Me.disease.ItemsSelected
strdisease = strdisease & "," & Me.disease.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strdisease) = 0 Then
strdisease = "Like '*'"
strdisease = Right(strdisease, Len(strdisease) - 1)
strdisease = "IN(" & strdisease & ")"
End If

'for top level disease box.

For Each varItem In Me.ToplevelDisease.ItemsSelected
strtopleveldisease = strtopleveldisease & "," &
Me.ToplevelDisease.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strtopleveldisease) = 0 Then
strtopleveldisease = "Like '*'"
strtopleveldisease = Right(strtopleveldisease,
Len(strtopleveldisease) - 1)
strtopleveldisease = "IN(" & strtopleveldisease & ")"
End If

' for ioption group activecaseload

Select Case Me.activecaseload.Value
Case 1
strcaseload = "='Y'"
Case 2
strcaseload = "='N'"
Case 3
strcaseload = "Like '*'"
End Select

' now select the correct report style.

Select Case Me.reportname.Value
Case 1
strReport = "reportsummary"
Case 2
strReport = "reportsummary2"
Case 3
strReport = "reportsummary3"
Case 4
strReport = "reportsummary4"
Case 5
strReport = "reportsummary5"
Case 6
strReport = "reportsummary6_graphsex"
End Select

If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acReport, strReport) <>
acObjStateOpen Then
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview
End If

' ************************
' now make the SQL statement
' ****************************

strFilter = "[CCN-ID] " & strCCN & _
" AND [consultantID] " & strconsultant & _
" AND [PCT-ID] " & strPCT & _
" AND [DiseaseID] " & strdisease & _
" AND [toplevelDiseaseID] " & strtopleveldisease & _
" AND [Active] " & strcaseload

' Apply the filter and switch it on
With Reports(strReport)
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
' .txtReportTitle.Value = "Caseload Report - "
End With

As you can see the form is quite complex and allows the useer to
manipulate the querry in some depth. The problem is with the report
reportsummary6_graphsex which simply shows how many males and females
are in the querry. Note I don't allow the person to filter on male
female. What I want the graph to show is the ratio of male V female in
the sub querry. However the graph only shows all the males and
females. i.e. it does not apply the sql to the basic querry.

How do I make the graph change with each request?

Duane Hookom

The report's record source and filter don't apply to the chart's row source
other than by using the Link Master/Child properties.
You can use your code to build and replace the SQL of a saved query that
serves as the Row Source of the chart.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Andre C said:
OI am not solving this problem easily.

I wish to generate a report based on a querry and various parameters
set in a form. The querry "basicreportquerry" returns allk the
records in the dataset. I use a form with various listboxes and
comboboxes to enter criteria for several of the fields. Then I use the
following VBA to generate the sql statement.

Dim varItem As Variant
' the six list boxes which correspond to the report filters.
Dim strCCN As String
Dim strdisease As String
Dim strtopleveldisease As String
Dim strconsultant As String
Dim strPCT As String
Dim strReport As String

Dim strcaseload As String 'this variable stors the result of the
active caseload option group.

Dim strFilter As String 'this stores the sql phrase made fromthe above

' for the CCN listbox
For Each varItem In Me.CCN.ItemsSelected
strCCN = strCCN & "," & Me.CCN.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strCCN) = 0 Then
strCCN = "Like '*'"
strCCN = Right(strCCN, Len(strCCN) - 1)
strCCN = "IN(" & strCCN & ")"
End If

' for the Consultant list box
For Each varItem In Me.Consultant.ItemsSelected
strconsultant = strconsultant & "," &
Me.Consultant.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strconsultant) = 0 Then
strconsultant = "Like '*'"
strconsultant = Right(strconsultant, Len(strconsultant) - 1)
strconsultant = "IN(" & strconsultant & ")"
End If

'for PCT list box
For Each varItem In Me.PCT.ItemsSelected
strPCT = strPCT & "," & Me.PCT.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strPCT) = 0 Then
strPCT = "Like '*'"
strPCT = Right(strPCT, Len(strPCT) - 1)
strPCT = "IN(" & strPCT & ")"
End If

'for disease box.

For Each varItem In Me.disease.ItemsSelected
strdisease = strdisease & "," & Me.disease.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strdisease) = 0 Then
strdisease = "Like '*'"
strdisease = Right(strdisease, Len(strdisease) - 1)
strdisease = "IN(" & strdisease & ")"
End If

'for top level disease box.

For Each varItem In Me.ToplevelDisease.ItemsSelected
strtopleveldisease = strtopleveldisease & "," &
Me.ToplevelDisease.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strtopleveldisease) = 0 Then
strtopleveldisease = "Like '*'"
strtopleveldisease = Right(strtopleveldisease,
Len(strtopleveldisease) - 1)
strtopleveldisease = "IN(" & strtopleveldisease & ")"
End If

' for ioption group activecaseload

Select Case Me.activecaseload.Value
Case 1
strcaseload = "='Y'"
Case 2
strcaseload = "='N'"
Case 3
strcaseload = "Like '*'"
End Select

' now select the correct report style.

Select Case Me.reportname.Value
Case 1
strReport = "reportsummary"
Case 2
strReport = "reportsummary2"
Case 3
strReport = "reportsummary3"
Case 4
strReport = "reportsummary4"
Case 5
strReport = "reportsummary5"
Case 6
strReport = "reportsummary6_graphsex"
End Select

If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acReport, strReport) <>
acObjStateOpen Then
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview
End If

' ************************
' now make the SQL statement
' ****************************

strFilter = "[CCN-ID] " & strCCN & _
" AND [consultantID] " & strconsultant & _
" AND [PCT-ID] " & strPCT & _
" AND [DiseaseID] " & strdisease & _
" AND [toplevelDiseaseID] " & strtopleveldisease & _
" AND [Active] " & strcaseload

' Apply the filter and switch it on
With Reports(strReport)
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
' .txtReportTitle.Value = "Caseload Report - "
End With

As you can see the form is quite complex and allows the useer to
manipulate the querry in some depth. The problem is with the report
reportsummary6_graphsex which simply shows how many males and females
are in the querry. Note I don't allow the person to filter on male
female. What I want the graph to show is the ratio of male V female in
the sub querry. However the graph only shows all the males and
females. i.e. it does not apply the sql to the basic querry.

How do I make the graph change with each request?

Kevin K. Sullivan

I haven't read through your whole post, but whenever I see "Graph" and
"Report" in a post, I remember an intermittent timing problem I had with
my report's graph until I put some magic code (suggested by SteveT in
this group) in the Detail's Print event:

'You will need to add the following code to the OnPrint section
'of the report where you placed the graph to make sure Access keeps the
'data in sync.
' - Steve T

Dim oGraph As Object
Set oGraph = Me!Graph1
Set oGraph = Nothing

Before I used this code, my graph often (but not always) printed the
default data that was saved in the Graph's design.



Andre said:
OI am not solving this problem easily.

I wish to generate a report based on a querry and various parameters
set in a form. The querry "basicreportquerry" returns allk the
records in the dataset. I use a form with various listboxes and
comboboxes to enter criteria for several of the fields. Then I use the
following VBA to generate the sql statement.

Dim varItem As Variant
' the six list boxes which correspond to the report filters.
Dim strCCN As String
Dim strdisease As String
Dim strtopleveldisease As String
Dim strconsultant As String
Dim strPCT As String
Dim strReport As String

Dim strcaseload As String 'this variable stors the result of the
active caseload option group.

Dim strFilter As String 'this stores the sql phrase made fromthe above

' for the CCN listbox
For Each varItem In Me.CCN.ItemsSelected
strCCN = strCCN & "," & Me.CCN.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strCCN) = 0 Then
strCCN = "Like '*'"
strCCN = Right(strCCN, Len(strCCN) - 1)
strCCN = "IN(" & strCCN & ")"
End If

' for the Consultant list box
For Each varItem In Me.Consultant.ItemsSelected
strconsultant = strconsultant & "," &
Me.Consultant.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strconsultant) = 0 Then
strconsultant = "Like '*'"
strconsultant = Right(strconsultant, Len(strconsultant) - 1)
strconsultant = "IN(" & strconsultant & ")"
End If

'for PCT list box
For Each varItem In Me.PCT.ItemsSelected
strPCT = strPCT & "," & Me.PCT.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strPCT) = 0 Then
strPCT = "Like '*'"
strPCT = Right(strPCT, Len(strPCT) - 1)
strPCT = "IN(" & strPCT & ")"
End If

'for disease box.

For Each varItem In Me.disease.ItemsSelected
strdisease = strdisease & "," & Me.disease.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strdisease) = 0 Then
strdisease = "Like '*'"
strdisease = Right(strdisease, Len(strdisease) - 1)
strdisease = "IN(" & strdisease & ")"
End If

'for top level disease box.

For Each varItem In Me.ToplevelDisease.ItemsSelected
strtopleveldisease = strtopleveldisease & "," &
Me.ToplevelDisease.ItemData(varItem) _
& ""
Next varItem

If Len(strtopleveldisease) = 0 Then
strtopleveldisease = "Like '*'"
strtopleveldisease = Right(strtopleveldisease,
Len(strtopleveldisease) - 1)
strtopleveldisease = "IN(" & strtopleveldisease & ")"
End If

' for ioption group activecaseload

Select Case Me.activecaseload.Value
Case 1
strcaseload = "='Y'"
Case 2
strcaseload = "='N'"
Case 3
strcaseload = "Like '*'"
End Select

' now select the correct report style.

Select Case Me.reportname.Value
Case 1
strReport = "reportsummary"
Case 2
strReport = "reportsummary2"
Case 3
strReport = "reportsummary3"
Case 4
strReport = "reportsummary4"
Case 5
strReport = "reportsummary5"
Case 6
strReport = "reportsummary6_graphsex"
End Select

If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acReport, strReport) <>
acObjStateOpen Then
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview
End If

' ************************
' now make the SQL statement
' ****************************

strFilter = "[CCN-ID] " & strCCN & _
" AND [consultantID] " & strconsultant & _
" AND [PCT-ID] " & strPCT & _
" AND [DiseaseID] " & strdisease & _
" AND [toplevelDiseaseID] " & strtopleveldisease & _
" AND [Active] " & strcaseload

' Apply the filter and switch it on
With Reports(strReport)
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
' .txtReportTitle.Value = "Caseload Report - "
End With

As you can see the form is quite complex and allows the useer to
manipulate the querry in some depth. The problem is with the report
reportsummary6_graphsex which simply shows how many males and females
are in the querry. Note I don't allow the person to filter on male
female. What I want the graph to show is the ratio of male V female in
the sub querry. However the graph only shows all the males and
females. i.e. it does not apply the sql to the basic querry.

How do I make the graph change with each request?

Andre C

I haven't read through your whole post, but whenever I see "Graph" and
"Report" in a post, I remember an intermittent timing problem I had with
my report's graph until I put some magic code (suggested by SteveT in
this group) in the Detail's Print event:
Tried that one but it does not work.

Andre C

The report's record source and filter don't apply to the chart's row source
other than by using the Link Master/Child properties.
You can use your code to build and replace the SQL of a saved query that
serves as the Row Source of the chart.

Sorry can you explain that a different way.

Duane Hookom

You can save the chart's Row Source as a query "qryMyRptChart". Then use DAO
code to change the SQL of qryMyRptChart based on strFilter.
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryMyRptChart").SQL = "SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE " &

Andre C

You can save the chart's Row Source as a query "qryMyRptChart". Then use DAO
code to change the SQL of qryMyRptChart based on strFilter.
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryMyRptChart").SQL = "SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE " &

I'll give that a go and report back.

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