character map


Dennis Hildreth

I am using special characters from character map in some
of my file names (namly downloaded graphics and web pages
from Germany which uses characters like Ä and Ë). By
using the alt-number combination as explained in the
character map's help file, I can use most of the
characters I need; however, I cannot seem to use any
characters above code number 255. Any Character above 255
character map will list the hex code but not the decimal
code. I tried converting the hex number into decimal but
it still does not work. Anybody know how to reach the
upper characters in the map? There is still one character
I would like to use in my file names. BTW, the fact that
I am using these characters in a file name and not a text
document is not the problem. I tried this in Notebook and
it still does not work.

Jim Macklin

If you open the character map application (start/all
programs/accessories/system tools)[make a short cut when you
get there]
you will see that there are different symbols for each font.

| The extended ASCII character set has 256 choices using the
most common byte
| length of 8 bits.
| What characters do you have that are above 255?
| My Character Map doesn't go above 255.
| --
| Ron Sommer
| | I am using special characters from character map in some
| of my file names (namly downloaded graphics and web pages
| from Germany which uses characters like Ä and Ë). By
| using the alt-number combination as explained in the
| character map's help file, I can use most of the
| characters I need; however, I cannot seem to use any
| characters above code number 255. Any Character above 255
| character map will list the hex code but not the decimal
| code. I tried converting the hex number into decimal but
| it still does not work. Anybody know how to reach the
| upper characters in the map? There is still one character
| I would like to use in my file names. BTW, the fact that
| I am using these characters in a file name and not a text
| document is not the problem. I tried this in Notebook and
| it still does not work.

Ron Sommer

Yes, there are different fonts, but the highest number is 255 in any of the


In windows xp, the times new roman has many characters beyond the 255
mentioned in here. One way is to double click the character in windows
character map program and select copy then paste it into whatever program
you are using.
? is U+FEFC:Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Final Form with This is the last
selection in times New roman in windows xp.

Hopefully it comes through on newsgroup, does show it as I am sending same.

Dennis Hildreth

If you use XP make sure character set is set to unicode.
I don't believe win95 or 98 uses unicode. I'm not sure
about ME. I did a little research about unicode. It is a
2 byte character set, which means up to 64K different
characters, although only a fraction is used. Not all
fonts use unicode. I just did some checking with
different fonts; Arial, Which is the font I was looking
at, uses unicode, as do a few others. A few fonts have
the basic 256 character set. Anything above 256 is
usually forign characters, eg greek and hebrew. The
character I was interested in was #03B2, which is the
small greek letter beta, but it also looks like the
german esset character, used as a double S. I could also
use #DF (223) or even ss, which I have been using, but it
would be more interesting to learn how to use the
complete unicode character set. After all, I don't want
things too simple, I like to use computers!


It will work for a filename also, just type all of the characters in
character map - copy and paste into new filename under rename. eg
®©§¥£¢.bmp I tried it on a picture file and worked as described.

Your method works fine in a word processor, and probably
many other programs. But I am trying to use these
characters in a file name (call me silly). Only the
alt+number scheme works here but only on characters under
-----Original Message-----
In windows xp, the times new roman has many characters beyond the 255
mentioned in here. One way is to double click the character in windows
character map program and select copy then paste it into whatever program
you are using.
? is U+FEFC:Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Final Form with This is the last
selection in times New roman in windows xp.

Hopefully it comes through on newsgroup, does show it as I am sending same.

pondered exceedingly, then
quill in hand and carefully composed...

| If you open the character map application (start/all
| programs/accessories/system tools)[make a short cut when you
| get there]
| you will see that there are different symbols for each font.

This is getting a bit OT, but I'm reminded of a
question that I never got
to asking.

Character Map shows two codes for ¢, for instance,
neither of which is the
Alt + 155. "Keystroke" shows Alt + 0162 and "Unicode"
shows U + 00A2. Is
any way to use the Unicode? Neither U nor u plus the
code works. Is
another key that works or must the keyboard have a
special key that mine

Or can't the Unicode be entered from the keyboard at
all, in which case
why does
Character Map even show it?

TIA for satisfying my curiosity!


§§§ - Please raise temperature of mail to reply by
e-mail - §§§


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