Changing word count options

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Hi, is there a way to exclude things from a word count? I'd like to leave
EndNote-created references out, but the Word2002 "exclude footnotes/endnotes"
doesn't recognize them. Maybe an option somehow to exclude everything in
parentheses? TIA.
Hi, is there a way to exclude things from a word count? I'd like to leave
EndNote-created references out, but the Word2002 "exclude footnotes/endnotes"
doesn't recognize them. Maybe an option somehow to exclude everything in
parentheses? TIA.

When you say EndNote-created references, are you referring to in-text
citations or the bibliography at the end? Do you mean the raw EndNote
fields, or the references after EndNote has formatted them?

Word won't count text formatted as Hidden. A macro could probably hide all
the text between parentheses, which might work, assuming you don't make any
parenthetical comments in the main text. Then you wordcount, then you run a
different macro to unhide the text. (Or use a toggle macro that you can run
Hi again,

I was referring to in text citations, after the raw fields had been
formatted, but I guess they wouldn't necessarily have to be since the field
delimiter (or whatever the proper name for it is - I think it's a square or
brace bracket) is probably more selective to search for than parentheses.
Hadn't thought about making the text hidden - it sounds like something maybe
VB-esque? I'll have a go at it. Thanks for the suggestion - it's offered hope
at least :)
No VBA needed to format the text as Hidden; you can do this with Find and

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.
I would say that formatting the raw EndNote fields as Hidden would be
easier, since they are more specific delimiters, < or { or something. But I
never format my EndNote fields until I am ready to send a doc out, and even
then I do it on a copy, because EndNote on the Mac tends to act up. This
approach may not work with your workflow so well--I don't know of any other
approach, though.

To write the necessary Find & Replace, look up wildcards in Help, or see
this link. The UnHide F&R can probably just find all hidden text and format
it not hidden, I should think.

You can turn an F&R operation into a macro so that you don't have to
re-enter all the information every time you do it. For that, see these

Creating a macro with no programming experience using the recorder

How to assign a Word command or macro to a toolbar or menu

Wow- thank you so much Daiya and Suzanne. I'm looking at this program I've
been using for goodness knows how long with wide-eyed wonder at the things I
can now make it do. Your suggestions worked beautifully - and my first macro!
<insert childlike giggles of delight>
This can be done with Hidden font.

A VBA tool derived from this technique is available here: