Changing "Web content zone" on Security tab in IE 6 SP1/2



I am unable to complete a settings change from "Internet" to "Local intranet"
on the Security tab in IE. Nor am I able to change any individual settings
using the "Custom Level" option. If I change from "Medium" to "Medium-low"
the change is also unable to be applied.

After I make the settings change, the APPLY button is still grayed-out. If
I just click OK and exit the changes are not saved. Re-starting IE has no

I am trying to change "Automatic prompting for downloads" to "enable" so
that I may open attachments in e'mail using the File Download Dialog Box
rather than always being forced to save them. This is occuring using Outlook
Web Access (OWA).

If the machine is set to "Local intranet" the File Dialog Box Opens
automatically after the attachment is selected. This is because in "Local
intranet" the "Automatic prompting for downloads" is set to "enable" by
default. In the "Internet" setting "Automatic prompting for downloads" is
set to "disable".

At this moment, if I get e'mail with an attachment the following occurs:
1. I click on the attachment and a 2nd IE window opens.
2. Nothing opens up and it immediately says "Done" in the lower right
status bar.
3. The 2nd IE window just sits there forever with no further activity.
4. However, if I click on the green arrow/GO button (to the left of the
Address drop-down) the File Dialog Box Opens.

I have this problem on more than one PC and across different users. On one
machine, the value is already set to "Local intranet" and on that machine as
well, I am unable to change to "Internet" or any other setting.

I have found where this is controlled in the Registry but I am not yet sure
what values need to be adjusted to correct this problem and, in the event, I
cannot be editing the registry for multiple machines.

All machines involved are xpsp2/ie6sp1 and/or sp2.



No, I do not have that restriction in place on the system. In fact, I do
not even have the keys ( User Key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
Control Panel]
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
Control Panel] ) specified in the workaround.

I have also reviewed MS article 182569 referred to by Ramesh in an earlier
posting by someone with a problem similiar to mine and it does not seem to
really apply to my situation. The closest I come is Value 1803 which applies
to File Download but, it seems, only as it relates to ActiveX not file
downloads as referred to in the "Downloads" section of the Security Settings
options under the Security tab.

Thank you for responding to my post.

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