Changing standard charts



Me again!

I am setting up a template for users and would like to be able to offer some
standard chart formats e.g. Clustered Column, Stacked Column, 100% Stacked
Column and the standard 2D pie.

I have created my colour scheme and so the charts pick up the template
colours which is great. However, I also want the standard column charts to
have no gridlines, plot area or plot border shading. I can create these
charts but how do I get the standard charts the users see to reflect these
formatting changes?

I am using 2003


You'll have to add the charts to slides in the presentation and let your
folks edit the values within them and delete pages/charts they don't use.

There's currently no option for creating customized chart templates.

Steve Rindsberg

I have created my colour scheme and so the charts pick up the template
colours which is great. However, I also want the standard column charts to
have no gridlines, plot area or plot border shading. I can create these
charts but how do I get the standard charts the users see to reflect these
formatting changes?

I don't believe you can. The standard charts are "hard-coded" into MSGraph.

It's possible to write add-ins that give the user a button or menu choice
which, when clicked, adds a new slide with a chart of the appropriate type,
ready-formatted to spec, but that takes a substantial amount of coding.

Some of the info here might be useful as well:

MS Graph Custom Chart Types


Thank you. I shan't wste any more time trying to do something that can't be
done without a lot of code!

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