Changing Program Process Priority Defaults



My kids love playing a Disney Lama Game. However whenever this application
starts it hogs all the processing recourses. In Task Manager its prioity is
defaulted to "High" rather than normal. The issue is that this kills the
sharing and email server on the machine. I can manually reset the priority to
Normal if I can catch them playing it. Can I set the register to
automatically force the default to normal priority?
Help - as always - much appreciated.


This is not a direct answer to your question about
changing the program priority. The Freeware program
allows you to set the maximum percentage of CPU time any
program will use. It will work on WinXP. It runs as a

It was distributed to limit the CPU time that the SETI
(Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence)uses when
running in the background. Edit the Seti.reg file that is
included within notepad, add the necessary programs from
the Processes list (Virus Scanner)listed in Windows Task
Manager. The install program installs to the directory

The default is to limit any program not on the exceptions
list to 80% of total CPU time.



Thanks for the suggestion. I tried the Thread Master and it does work - to a
certain extent. I.e you can restrict the CPU usage to a maximum level.
Unfortunately this doesn't affect the way the processes interact - what
happens now is that the process still runs at high priority (killing other
apps rather than ture processor sharing), then the process stops for a second
(meaning that as a game it becomes very jerky) - presumably to ensure that
80% (or whatever you set) isn't exceeded. This solution is probably ok for no
realtime applications.
I would like to know how an application gets assigned the process priority
on startup so that I can set the default back to normal rather than high.


It can't be that difficlut to default an application at atart up to a
specific process thread priority?
Am I wrong?
MS where are U?

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