Changing "File as" option in Contacts and Applying to all Contacts




One of our users had a default "file as" setting as "Firstname, Lastname".
We have changed the default to "Lastname, Firstname" which will file new
contacts created under lastname, firstname. We need to make this change apply
to call contacts currently created in his contacts folder. How is this done?


Hi Russ,

Thank you for your help, I have used the code from the link below to create
a form which changes the file as otpion for all contacts. This is exactly
what I needed to achive.

Russ Valentine said:
You have to use code or a third party app.;en-us;291144&Product=ol2002

Russ Valentine
Kentucky said:

One of our users had a default "file as" setting as "Firstname, Lastname".
We have changed the default to "Lastname, Firstname" which will file new
contacts created under lastname, firstname. We need to make this change
to call contacts currently created in his contacts folder. How is this

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