changing default settings for "Page Setup" Microsoft Word?



In Microsoft Word How can I change the default settings for "Page Setup" so
that i don't have to go and edit them each time i open a new document
(At the moment for all new documents that i open the top and botom margins
are too big and the gutter is enormous. Each time i open a new document the
cursor is almost one third down the page)

Thank you


In Microsoft Word How can I change the default settings for "Page Setup"
that i don't have to go and edit them each time i open a new document
(At the moment for all new documents that i open the top and botom margins
are too big and the gutter is enormous. Each time i open a new document
cursor is almost one third down the page)

It would be best if you posted to a Word newsgroup. This one is for the XP
operating system. Here is a list of MS public newsgroups.


You should post this thread to Microsoft Word Newsgroup as said by "Rock".
However, in Microsoft Word - open Page Setup. Change the Margins, Gutter and
Page Size etc. as desire and click the Default button. Click "Yes" when you
are ask to change the Normal Template.

Hope this help, let us know!

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