Changing Date format in a Query - should be easy?



I'm querying a table that has date/times in m/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss format and
another column of corresponding numerical data (data pt taken every 2

In my query I'm averaging the numerical data for each DAY. It does this
fine, but in the query it shows dates in "Thursday, April 28, 2005" format,
which I can't even get excel to recognize as a valid date format and graph.

How can I change the date format in my query to m/dd/yyyy ?

Any advice much appreciated!


UPDATE: Tried changing 'Long Date' to 'Short Date' in query SQL and got the
following error message:

"You tried to execute a query that does not include the specific expression
'Format$([159 Data from Xcel].DATE,'Short Date')' as part of an aggregate


Got it. I just had to change the date format in two separate places in the
query SQL. Obviously I'm new to this.

At least I have my answer. These discussion boards are great!

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