changing admin acct. and password



hi there. I would appreicate any help I can get. I recently hooked my
computer up after 6 long months and have forgotten my admin acct name and
password both. I thought you went in safe mode and went from there to reset,
but it still comes up logging me in as guest and also, the keyboard doesn't
work in safe mode for me. I called the lovely people at Dell for tech support
and they would like $49.00 for 72 hours of tech support! UGH!!! So, the
super. I talked to suggest I come here and see if I can get help. Thank you
so much in advance!


That isn't very helpful either, had you read the question. You cannot change
passwords or setup a new user account if you can only log in with the guest

I am afraid that unless you remember the administrator password, you are
basically hosed. Have you tried just leaving it blank? That normally works
unless, of course, you have set an administrator password. If you have and
you've forgotten it, you could always format. Bear in mind you wave goodbye
to your data. You may want to contact a tech shop to see if they're able to
retrieve the data for you, depending on how important the info is to you of


I did try that and I cannot seem to find anything to do without the
administrator acct, which is the one that I forgot. Right now I am logged on
as a guest, and I cannot add or remove programs or anything as a guest. I
just am so frustrated, with myself for even forgetting it, but it has been
over a year since I bought this comp., also with Dell, I have never called
them before for anything but to buy since this purchase and they can't even
help me with one simple thing. Maybe I'll have to pay after all..... Thanks
PA Bear (does that PA mean Pennsylvania?)


you may be paying for nothing, they'll just tell you to format clean install.
or call microsoft. either way you'll get the same option, since it's illegal
for either of them to break passwords.


I just thought of something.....what if I reinstall WindowsXP? Would that
take care of the problem?


In chrissy <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
hi there. I would appreicate any help I can get. I recently hooked my
computer up after 6 long months and have forgotten my admin acct name
and password both. I thought you went in safe mode and went from
there to reset, but it still comes up logging me in as guest and
also, the keyboard doesn't work in safe mode for me. I called the
lovely people at Dell for tech support and they would like $49.00 for
72 hours of tech support! UGH!!! So, the super. I talked to suggest I
come here and see if I can get help. Thank you so much in advance!

Use this to kill the password.

Yes, I know it says NT and yes it works just fine for XP. :)


"But there are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world
without them."

Sherlock Holmes

PA Bear

Thank you for your kind words, Kelly. I'm sure Chrissy can depend on you
for help now.

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