Changing activating button


Advait Mohan Raut

Hello friends,
In my winwows form, I have two text boxes - textbox1 & textbox2 also
the form has two buttons - button1 & button2.

button1 will work for textbox1 and button2 will work for textbox2 .
In other words, if type something in textbox1 and press Enter, button1
should be pressed and if I type type something in textbox2 and pressed
Enter, then button2 should be pressed ?

How can I do this ?



hmm,didnt do this in c# but in vb6 it should be setting "default"
property on the buttons, true or false, never tried that in runtime...

Marc Gravell

Perhaps simply handle KeyDown (on the textboxes) and check for
e.KeyCode == Keys.Return.

You might choose to move your button-code out into a separate method
that the KeyDown can call; alternatively, you can call PerformClick()
on the button; the latter is more indirect, but respects "Enabled"
etc, and is useful if you aren't directly in control of the button-
code (perhaps because of inheritance) so can't call the method

Generally I'd use the first approach. Examples below.


private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Return)
//DoSomethingInteresting(); // approach 1
//button1.PerformClick(); // approach 2
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void DoSomethingInteresting()
// whatever

Marc Gravell

in vb6 it should be setting "default" property on the buttons

For reference, this is the Form's AcceptButton property in .NET; but
you raise an interesting point... with an AcceptButton set, you'd
actually need to react to the PreviewKeyDown, not the KeyDown -
otherwise the Return doesn't make it as far as the TextBox (the Form
steals it). You might also need to use a flag to disable the regular
accept button behavior... not pretty, but achievable. Advait: let me
know if you are using an AcceptButton and need some help with this.


Marc Gravell

Actually, after a quick check it seems the easiest way to do this with
an AcceptButton is in the accept button's handler:

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // the
if (ActiveControl == textBox1)
} // else if any other special cases...
// whatever the you would do normally

Advait Mohan Raut

Thank you Marc Gravell for taking interest. I knew the idea you
posted in your first reply. ie. KeyDown event. But Enter kye inside
KeyDown seems like hard coding. I was looking for some other way like
christ mentioned. And you suggested "AcceptButton" property. thank
you and to christ too.
So I did it this way..

private void textBox1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
AcceptButton = button1;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// my task

Still the porblem is not over !
because when I press Enter the button dosen't show PushDown effect.


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