Changed 2nd Hard Disk stops system



Hi there,

New to XP, I have installed XP Pro SP2 as I had installed my WIN98 system:

The system on the bootable Disk 1 mapped as the C drive. Data, including
movable system files like Desktop, Toolbars, Templates and Macros for Office,
outlook .pst files etc on a 2nd partitioned Disk mapped as D. This has proved
useful for taking out the swappable D drive for my second system in the
office, saving Data, backing up and transporting the whole customized
personal trash.

However! Having run out of space on D Image I coppied the Data on a new
larger Disk, exactly the same Data files. In DOS and boot up this new second
disk is easily recognized for what it is, a mere replacement for my 2nd hard
drive. But booting up in this constellation to Windows XP I get a BLUE

Heck! Why? The original system was not touched and I am puzzled why my
freedom to change an innocent and data disk should be somehow curtailed in
such a rude manner by XP.

Any advice? How can I make my new 2nd Disk work? I suppose it has to do with
XP's infamous activation procedures but why should it interfere in such a
rude manner in my way of working? It's like you have a car, change a tyre and
the engine does not start any more.....

Hope you have some advice out there....

Doug Knox MS-MVP

Its doubtful that you're running into Activation issues. However, the detailed Stop error message would be helpful.


Angry said:
Hi there,

New to XP, I have installed XP Pro SP2 as I had installed my WIN98 system:

The system on the bootable Disk 1 mapped as the C drive. Data, including
movable system files like Desktop, Toolbars, Templates and Macros for
outlook .pst files etc on a 2nd partitioned Disk mapped as D. This has
useful for taking out the swappable D drive for my second system in the
office, saving Data, backing up and transporting the whole customized
personal trash.

However! Having run out of space on D Image I coppied the Data on a new
larger Disk, exactly the same Data files. In DOS and boot up this new
disk is easily recognized for what it is, a mere replacement for my 2nd
drive. But booting up in this constellation to Windows XP I get a BLUE

Heck! Why? The original system was not touched and I am puzzled why my
freedom to change an innocent and data disk should be somehow curtailed in
such a rude manner by XP.

Any advice? How can I make my new 2nd Disk work? I suppose it has to do
XP's infamous activation procedures but why should it interfere in such a
rude manner in my way of working? It's like you have a car, change a tyre
the engine does not start any more.....

Hope you have some advice out there....
They're "mapped" as C and D or they *are* C and D?

This isn't an activation error. An activation error would tell you to
activate your computer.

A blue screen normally includes information as to what caused the problem.
That's the first place to look. It could be that for whatever reason
something isn't set up right, and the system is looking for critical files
on a D drive, but your computer has assigned a different letter to the
drive. It could be a hardware problem, a driver problem....It could be a
completely unrelated failure of something else in the computer. Presumably
you've been inside to remove the old drive, so maybe something got bumped or

If you post back with the information from the blue screen, someone will
likely be able to come up with more detailed advice, but to go along with
your car analogy, what you've given us is like saying, "I changed a tire,
but now I can't get out of the driveway."


The blue screen must have a stop error message,what's that?It holds the key.

ssg MS-MVP


Your insistence that this was not an activation issue made me look again. It
seems to be the new way XP attributes drive letters: While in Dos the second
disk partitions come up as D and E, in XP they do not. I have discovered the
My COmputer/Manage/Disk Management wizard where one can force drive letter
changes. (The blue screen because no desktop icons where discovered)

But is there a way to get back to the old system where Drive letters were
attributed according to the drive bay the hard disk was connected to? That is
how my system works and i would love to get back to that....

Computers are a neverending continent for discovery!
Thanks anyway.

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