Change which disk is system disk



One of my hard drives is screwed up. One day it just got really slow ..... i
mean REALLY slow i think its dead or about to die. The only stuff I had on
it is downloads which i managed to copy over to a good hard drive. The
problem I have is that when I open Computer Managment and go to Disk
Managment I see it is marked as the System disk and when I remove it I cant
boot. I copied over the NTLDR file it said was missing to my C: drive and
the boot.ini but it gives me a paragraph saying how the disk configuration is
invalid and i should consult the manual....... I have a SATA drive which is
C: and has my Windows on it but it make one of the ATA drives System????? Why
would Windows do that in the first place. Why not make the C: drive the
system drive????? Windows makes me mad some times >:O


One of my hard drives is screwed up. One day it just got really slow ..... i
mean REALLY slow i think its dead or about to die. The only stuff I had on
it is downloads which i managed to copy over to a good hard drive. The
problem I have is that when I open Computer Managment and go to Disk
Managment I see it is marked as the System disk and when I remove it I cant
boot. I copied over the NTLDR file it said was missing to my C: drive and
the boot.ini but it gives me a paragraph saying how the disk configuration is
invalid and i should consult the manual....... I have a SATA drive which is
C: and has my Windows on it but it make one of the ATA drives System????? Why
would Windows do that in the first place. Why not make the C: drive the
system drive????? Windows makes me mad some times >:O

Did you install the correct driver for the new hardware? If the
computer continues to try and use the driver from the previous
hardware, then you may have an explanation for this problem.


Did you install the correct driver for the new hardware? If the
computer continues to try and use the driver from the previous
hardware, then you may have an explanation for this problem.

The new SATA hard drive I added runs fine its one of my old ATA hard drives
that I think has died but Windows wont let me remove it ..... does anyone
know the solution ???

Dr. C.Joseph Drayton, Ph.D. AS&T

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Hi Warren,

IF . . . you added the SATA drive and copied the files from [C:] to
the new drive, then you might have a problem since it is seeing the
SATA drive as a different drive from [C:]. If you were to do an
image copy of [C:} to the new drive then pull the old drive to make
the new drive the [C:] drive then you would be fine.

I use Ghost 2003 to make image copies from one hard disk to the other.

Ciao . . . C.Joseph

That which a man buys too cheaply . . .
He esteems too lightly

so no one knows ?
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