Change variable permanently



I have a macro that makes calculations. In these calculations an error margin
is tolerated. In the spreadsheet the user can press a button and a userform
is shown. In this userform the error margin is shown in textbox. The user can
change the error margin if wanted but the problem is that the change only
lasts as long as the variable lives. As my macro is structured now the
userform is run separately from the actual calculations i.e. any change in
error margin will have no affect on the actual calculations since the
variable will already be dead when the calculation starts. Is there any way
of “permanently†storing the new value? What I am referring to is some form
of self editing code that changes the value for the variable. The variable
that I use for storing the error margin is a global variable.

Here is code from the userform:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
dblErrorMarginal = 0.00000001
TextBox1.Text = dblErrorMarginal
End Sub

Private Sub changeErrorMargin_Click()
dblErrorMarginal = TextBox1.Text
Unload Me
End Sub

And at the top of the Modul1 where I have the main program:

Public dblErrorMarginal As Double

Please help me solve this problem if it is possible. Thank you very much in


Yes I thought about that too but although it solves the problem it does not
seem like an optimal solution but I might just do that if it is not possible
to fix elsewise. Thanks very much Gary's Student and give my best to Gary!

"Gary''s Student" skrev:

Bob Phillips

Store it in a workbook name

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="__temp", RefersTo:=Textbox1.Text

retrieve it with

MsgBox ActiveSheet.Evaluate(ActiveWorkbook.Names("__temp").RefersTo)


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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