Change tracking and File Protection in Word 2000




I have a situation where my company has "Protect Document"
turned on for all of its standard Word templates. However,
this feature seems to automatically turn on "Track Changes
While Editing" and greys out this option so it can't be
turned off. Is there a way to protect a document while
leaving change tracking off? It wreaks havoc with things
like footnotes.


Shauna Kelly

Hi John

I'm not aware that protecting a document necessarily turns on Word's track
changes. Try this. Open the template. To do that, you must use File > Open.
Or, from Windows Explorer, right-click and choose Open. Make sure you're
editing the template, and not a document based on the template. Turn off
protection. Turn off Track Changes. Accept any tracked changes in the
template. Re-protect the template. Save.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Chad DeMeyer


There are three kinds of protection that can be applied with "Protect
Document": locked for forms - only form fields and unprotected sections can
be altered; locked for comments - reviewers can insert comments but not make
changes to content; and locked for track changes - track changes always on,
can't be turned off until protection turned off. Hope that helps.


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