Change the worksheet tab name updates hyperlink on first page?



The subject essentialy is what I want to accomplish. Also if when I update
the tabs (rename or add a new one) the list of hyperlinks adjusts
automatically? If it needs to work the other way around that would be ok as
well. (hyperlink edits result in tab name edits and/or additional tabs)
thanks for the help!


The best way to create an internal hyperlink (to another place in the
workbook) is to assign a Name to the destination and hyperlink to that Name.

Then you can change tab names and all will be o.k.


Gary''s Student,
It took me a little while to figure out how to get it to work the way I
needed it to (not for how you explained it but for my own lack of
inderstanding in Excel) work, but I got it working great now! Thank you so
much for giving me direction.


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