change the grammar and style option that calls out

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paula Cross
  • Start date Start date

Paula Cross

I want to know how to change the grammar and style option that calls ou

sentences that are more than 60 words per sentence. I want to chang
grammar checking so when I run the Spelling and Grammar tool, it wil
sentences with more than 25 words, rather than 60 words.
Paula said:
I want to know how to change the grammar and style option that calls
out sentences that are more than 60 words per sentence. I want to change
the grammar checking so when I run the Spelling and Grammar tool, it will
flag sentences with more than 25 words, rather than 60 words.

That grammar rule can't be changed.

The following macro will apply a yellow highlight to every sentence longer
than 25 words (although this is Microsoft's internal definition of "word",
which includes certain punctuation marks).

Sub LongSentences()
Const Limit = 25 ' <== change this if needed
Dim mySent As Range

For Each mySent In ActiveDocument.Sentences
If mySent.Words.Count >= Limit Then
MsgBox mySent.Words.Count
mySent.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
End If
End Sub

See if needed.

After you run the macro, use the Edit > Find dialog to search for
highlighted text.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.
Oops, my mistake -- take out the line that starts with "MsgBox", unless you
want to see a message pop up for every long sentence.