Change the collating (sort order) of files in WinXP



WinXP has some strange collating sequence (like Win2000 before it) and I want
to reset it. Can someone direct me to the steps for correcting the collating
sequence so that files are sorted as follows: 05 051 056 06 0858...
(Should be!)
and NOT as in Explorer missorts : 05 006 008 09 9f7 10 (Actual)


Wesley Vogel

Yea, I always count like this: 05 051 056 06. Not.

Several ways to change it to the way you want ie.

The Sort Order for Files and Folders Whose Names Contain Numerals Is
Different in Windows XP Than It Is in Windows 2000

Automated edit here...
107. Change the Sort Order back to Pre-XP

sortorder.reg creates NoStrCmpLogical if does not exist and changes it to 1
to use the Windows 2000 sorting method.

Or use TweakUI

[+] Explorer
Use intuitive filename sorting

Use intuitive filename sorting
[[If this is checked the Explorer will sort files so that, for e.g. “File 5”
comes before “File 10” because 5 comes before 10. If this is unchecked then
Explorer will use literal sorting, in which case “File 10” will come before
“File 5” because 1 comes before 5. ]]

You can download TweakUI here...

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

Tweak UI
This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not
exposed in the Windows XP default user interface, including
mouse settings, Explorer settings, taskbar settings, and more.

Version 2.10 requires Windows XP Service Pack 1 or above or Windows
Server 2003.

Scroll down the right hand side and look for...
Tweak UI

TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe is what you get.

If you have Windows XP without any Service Packs, download Version 2.00.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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