change regional Settings To UK currency format from a shared hosting server in Germany...



I have an asp Application running, which is updating An access database
which Resides on a Windows 2003 Server in Germany....from th UK....

When I go to administer the Application via IExplorer, Prices are being
updated on the database in Euro Format, which is incorrect, is there
anything I can do to resolve this problem???? This is a shared hosting
package which I FTP From UK.....I know you can change the LCID Settings to
LCID.1033 to reflect the UK/US currency format, However this still does not
resolve the problem...Is there anything I can change within the Database
Settings on my side before I FTP, to change the regional settings on the

If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated very

Im not too sure whether it would be a point of Running an ASP Script to
change the settings or Whether it is a point of changing the settings within
the access database.

Thanks in advance



Don't know whether you can adjust the datamodell in retrospect, but
it's better to design a Value/Amount field and a seperate Currency field.
Run a query to populate the german records to read DEM in the
currency field.
Change the UK records to read GBP, and do so for any other country
y're distributing the database to ...

This way, yr application isn't tied to the regional computer settings and
it's the
responsibility of users to input a correct amount.


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