Change line length



In my Word 2002 I quite often wish to change the line length in an existing
Is there an easier way than manually deleting the "carriage-return" that I
assume is implicit at the ends of the existing short lines as they are
presently displayed?

Brian Tozer



A couple things could be happening. To know for sure,
click on the pilcrow mark on your standard toolbar (it is
the paragraph symbol that looks like a backwards capital
P). It should show you the formatting marks that cause
the line to break.

Oftentimes, text pasted from other non-word processing
programs (like PDF extracts or web text) has soft line
breaks (the format marks for them look like 90-degree
arrows). Hard carriage returns are those same pilcrow

If you want to adjust the length of the line, be sure
your rulers are visible (under View | Ruler) and then
look to see what the margin situation is like up there.
The line begins where you see a gray square on the left
and ends where you see a bottom triangle on the right.
When you have lines that break long before you get to the
right margin, it is because you have a soft or hard line

The best way to address this kind of formatting is to do
a find and replace of the line breaks. Once you get rid
of them, you can let your default paragraph formatting
determine how long lines are. Open the F&R dialogue box
(control-F), and in the Find box, type, without the
quotes, "^p". Then replace with either nothing or a space
(depending on whether there are spaces between the words
already). You can go through and replace those extraneous
hard returns. do the same for soft line breaks with "^l".

For your purposes, I wouldn't trust doing a Replace All
(it could potentially enjoin all your paragraphs). If you
have a large block you want to make one single paragraph,
then you can select that paragraph and run a F&R on just

Good luck.


Charles Kenyon

I am assuming you are _not_ pressing the Enter key at the end of each line.
This does not end a line but rather creates a new paragraph. It makes
documents incredibly difficult to edit.

You can change the margins if you want your change to apply to your entire
document. Otherwise, change the paragraph formatting to increase the left
and/or right indents. If you are applying this to multiple paragraphs, you
may want to create a new style that contains this formatting.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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