Change Front Page Forms from.htm to .asp

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lee Steele
  • Start date Start date

Lee Steele

I have several forms on my website that are modified "FP Feedback Forms".
They are set to send me email and write to a .txt file in the root _private
folder on my web site. These forms are working correctly as long as they
have an .htm extension.
Most of the pages on my site are password protected as they collect or
display semi-private info such as names addresses and email addresses.
I have pasted the following code into the top of each of the form pages and
saved the file with a .asp extension.

<% @language="vbscript" %>
<!--#include virtual="/classsite/_private/"-->

If the Form pages are accessed and the user is not logged in, they are sent
to the login page and after successfully logging in, they are directed to
the form page in question.

When the submit button is now clicked on either of the forms, the
confirmation page does not show and the entered info is not sent to my email
address or to the .txt file. In other words, nothing happens.
Is it possible to have password protected .asp pages that work using FP
forms and if so, how do I fix my existing forms?

Lee Steele
Is it possible to have password protected .asp pages that work using FP
forms and if so, how do I fix my existing forms?


You have to choose between using asp or FrontPage extensions - you cannot
have both on the same page.
If you use asp for password protection then you must use asp to process the
form data.
If you use the FPP extensions to process the form data, then you will have
to use either a FrontPage subweb with unique permissions (if your host
supports this) or use the hosting package control panel to set permissions
on a folder containing the forms - these permissions will cause a login
dialogue to appear.
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll stay with the FP extensions for the time
being until I gain a little more experience.

Lee Steele