Change fromat from number to text



I have been trying to change the format of several cells from number to text
without success. I've tried the "Three ways to convert numbers to text" found
in MS's Help files, (format, cells, number, text/Text Function/Convert Text
to Columns Wizard) and they are not working. Plus, I've been getting an error
message about the numbers being defined as text and/or there are apostraphies
in the data. (The error message is sort of like the previous sentence.) There
are no apsotraphies. The data in the spreadsheet was imported from SAP.

I need to clean up the cells so that I can have the format clean for export
to Access.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Copy the whole sheet to the clipboard (by pressing ctrl+c twice),
format all cells as text and then paste back from clipboard (by
clicking on item to paste).


Hi Lori,

I tried your suggestion and I'm still getting the error message "The number
in this cell is formatted as Text or is preceded an apostrophe". Does this
mean that the data is considered a number even though the format says text?

I don't understand why nothing is working.



Hi Lori,

I have imported the Excel spreadsheet into Access with success. Apparently
the error didn't have as much weight on the import as I thought. Still wonder
why I get the message when the data is clean though.

Thanks for all you help.


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