Change format of a mail back to text-only


Markus Jakobi

Hi all,

maybe someone can help me.
I stumbled over an (obviously well known) problem in Outlook 2000.
The plan is to write a macro that adds some text at the end of every mail
before sending the mail. When I modify the "Item.Body" of a plain-text mail,
the format changes to Rich text. Although the mail is sent out as plain
text, it is stored as RTF in the "Sent items"-folder.

To get the old format back, I tried the following VBA-macro:

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim oCtl As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim oCB As Office.CommandBar

Set oCB = Application.ActiveInspector.CommandBars("Menu Bar")
Set oCtl = oCB.Controls("Format")
Set oCtl = oCtl.Controls("Plain Text")

Set oCtl = Nothing
Set oCB = Nothing
End Sub

But when I click the Send-button, I get a message saying that "changing the
format to plain-text removes all formatting (blabla)".
Is there any way of getting around this message? I already thought of using
SendKeys "{TAB}{ENTER}", True
after the 'oCtl.Execute', but the execution of the macro seems to stop until
the user clicks one of the buttons.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!


Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]


Markus Jakobi

Hi Michael,
thanks for your reply.
Markus, you need to change some MAPI properties, which aren't availabe via
the Outlook object model. Here's a sample for how to do it with

I know that it's possible to get around it using Redemption, but I'm not
using it (yet).
I was just looking for an explanation why the code stops when Outlook shows
the warning and if there is a way to change this behaviour.

I even tried another solution using (ugly) SendKeys-command. I replaced the
whole code with
SendKeys ""%txj", True
which executes the 'Format' -> 'Plain Text' -> 'Yes' (in the german version
of Outlook). This works fine and the code doesn't stop when Outlook shows
the warning, as long as the user doesn't use <STRG>+<ENTER> to send the

Regards -- Markus

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