Change File Type of existing file?



How do I change the type (eg. .jpg) to another type
(eg. .mp3). I have tried renaming it in explorer menu but
no success.

allen thomas

1. Open my computer
2. click on tools >> and then fol;der options
3. in Options, Select Views.
4. Remove the tick from "Hide extensions for known files
and folders."
5. Now go to explorer you can see your files with
6. go ahead and rename the files to the required extension
7. you should have authorization to change the extension
and also changing the extension is not advisable since if
you change from .jpg to .mp3 when you double click on the
file the system trys to open this file with media player
or other program which is registered for mp3.


Changing the file type extension from say .jpg to .mp3 doesn't make a bitmap
file a audio file.

Ramesh [MVP]


You are just renaming the file extension. The filetypes cannot be converted
by any means. mp3 is audio format. jpg is image.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

How do I change the type (eg. .jpg) to another type
(eg. .mp3). I have tried renaming it in explorer menu but
no success.


Thanks for the assistance.
For clarity's sake... I simply used the .jpg and .mp3
extensions as an example. Those were not the actual types
i needed to change. Thanks...


I realised this Trenton, but as you can see, changing the extension of a
file doesn't actually make it the file you want it to be.
You may however be able to save the file within the program you are using to
another file format.
For example, you may be able to save a .jpg as a .bmp in your paint program.


Changing the suffix of a file only changes that part of the filename. It
doesn't change the file type. Changing a .stuff.jpg file's name to
stuff.bmp DOESN'T make it a bmp type file. It just screws it up. Open your
..jpg file using Paint. Click on File.... Save As.... at the bottom there
will be one area to name the saved file and another just below that says
File Type. Right click the triangle to the right of that window and choose
BMP. Now it will save it as a bmp file in fact as well as name.

Ken Blake

Trenton said:
How do I change the type (eg. .jpg) to another type
(eg. .mp3). I have tried renaming it in explorer menu but
no success.

File types differ, not just in their names, but in what they
contain and how they are formatted. Changing a file's name from
..jpg to .mp3 doesn't make it an mp3 file any more than calling a
camel an elephant makes it an elephant.

To convert a file from one type to another, first it has to
contain the type of data that is implied by the new file type
(for example, you can't change a spreadsheet file to a sound
file, but you can convert from one type of graphics file to
another); second, the conversion has to be done with a program
capable of doing the conversion.

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