Change event



I have a UserForm with four frames; each frame groups 5 OptionButtons and a
fifth frame has 6 OptionButtons.
Everytime a user clicks on one of the OptionButtons, I'd like a value to be
updated in a TextBox (depending on which OptionButton is clicked).
OptionButton1 adds 1 to the Textbox, OptionButton2 adds 2, etc. I know I
can do this using a Sub OptionButton1_Change() procedure (creating 26
procedures) but is there a more efficient way to do it?


Thanks, Leith.
I appreciate you insights. (I guess they were figuring cut-and-paste is
just as good. I was hoping though...)
At any rate, thanks for your response.

Kenneth Hobson

As Leith said, doing it is a bit more effort than it may be worth.

Here is one way using the Click event rather than a Change event in a Class.

1. Create your UserForm1 with the option buttons and TextBox1.
2. Add a class and use this code. Name the class in the project explorer as

Private WithEvents obttn1 As MSForms.OptionButton

Sub SendOptionButton(ByVal obttn As MSForms.OptionButton)
Set obttn1 = obttn
End Sub

Private Sub obttn1_Click()
If obttn1.Value = True Then IncrementTB1 obttn1
End Sub

3. Add a Module with this code.

Sub IncrementTB1(ob As MSForms.OptionButton)
If UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = "" Then UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = "0"
UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = CStr(CDbl(UserForm1.TextBox1.Value) +
End Sub

4. Add this code to UserForm1. The use of the Tag property makes this a bit

Dim ob() As cOptionButtons

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim obj As MSForms.Control, i As Long

For Each obj In Me.Controls
If TypeName(obj) = "OptionButton" Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve ob(i)
Set ob(i) = New cOptionButtons
ob(i).SendOptionButton obj
obj.Tag = i
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox TextBox1.Value
Unload Me
End Sub


Thanks, Kenneth.
I've taken the simpler route of creating a procedure to trap changes to each
OptionButton; however, I'm going to hold onto to your code and will include
it as I refine my "solution." Thanks for your help; I appreciate it!

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