Change default Save As file type


Greg Lovern

Without removing and replacing Excel 2003's File Save As menu command,
is there any possibility of changing the default file type in Excel's
Save As dialog?

What about in Excel 2007?

I understand how to do it with a custom Save As procedure using
GetSaveAsFileName, just need to know if anything can be done with
Excel's built-in Save As.



Vasant Nanavati

You can show the built-in dialog with a different file type, but I don't
think that is what you are asking.

For example:

Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show , 3

will show .txt as the default extension.

But AFAIK there is no way to change the default file type permanently.

Greg Lovern

I would guess it could be done with subclassing, though it might not
be worth the development time. Are there any examples available of
subclassing Excel's Save As dialog?

Also, I recall reading that 64-bit Windows Vista would drop support
for subclassing -- is that correct?



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