Change date format on report



My date displays as mddyy in the table but on the report I'd like it to
display as mm/dd/yyyy, how would I code that to have that field always
display in mm/dd/yyyy format. I'm thinking this is very simple but I just
can't get it to work for me.

Thank so much for your help.


My date displays as mddyy in the table but on the report I'd like it to
display as mm/dd/yyyy, how would I code that to have that field always
display in mm/dd/yyyy format. I'm thinking this is very simple but I just
can't get it to work for me.

Thank so much for your help.

I think that if you go to the field in the design view, double click
on it a box will pop up that brings up different things that you can
do with the specific text box. click on the "Format" tab and choose
"Short Date". I assume that you're using 2003...

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